FEDS Protection Newsletter Fall 2022

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FEDS Protection Caps Whirlwind Month on the Road


For many federal employee associations, August is a prime month to hold annual meetings and conferences. Due to our deep partnership with many of these associations, FEDS Protection spent the month of August attending these conferences and focusing on outreach and connection within the federal employee community. Founded on a platform of education, FEDS is dedicated to teaching federal employees and contractors about their professional exposures and ensuring that they know their options for protection.

FEDS attended Women in Federal Law Enforcement’s (WIFLE’s) 22nd Annual Leadership Training in Phoenix, Arizona. As usual, WIFLE provided high quality training opportunities to support the professional and leadership development of women in law enforcement. This year’s keynote address, by FBI National Security Branch Executive Assistant Director Larissa L. Knapp, was quite powerful and encouraged today’s female law enforcement personnel to build on the foundations laid by the female trailblazers that came before them. In true WIFLE fashion, every following presentation was a home run—whether it was on leadership, mental health, accountability, or a plethora of other topics including diversity, opportunity, growth or recognition. After working hard at WIFLE, FEDS Protection’s own Brenda Wilson was able to enjoy additional home runs at the Diamondbacks game with WIFLE Senior Advisor Dr. Jean Kanokogi and Carrie Lloyd.


FEDS also attended Federal Dispute Resolution’s (FDR) 2022 Training in Phoenix, Arizona. This year’s FDR conference hosted over 1,100 federal HR, EEO, diversity, employee/labor relations, and ADR practitioners for high-quality training featuring more than 60 educational sessions presented by agency leaders, federal practitioners, and federal employment law experts to reduce conflict, stay in compliance, and avoid costly complaints. FEDS Protection’s panel of attorneys is led by Shaw Bransford and Roth PC, whose managing partner, Debra L. Roth, moderated two sessions at this year’s conference: A Conversation with MSPB and A Conversation with Special Counsel. Attendees enjoyed open dialogue with Debra Roth and agency leaders and the latest information on upcoming guidance. A big shout out to Karen Armstrong who always goes above and beyond!
FEDS Protection was honored to sponsor Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers Association’s (FPPOA’s) 10th National Training Institute in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, which offered sessions covering pretrial, post-conviction, pre-sentence, wellness, professional development, career investment, evidenced based practices, emerging trends, gang information, officer safety automation, substance abuse, mental health, sex offender, CBT, financial investigations and so much more to U.S. Probation and Pretrial Officers and support and administrative staff. 50 concurrent workshops were offered, including two packed sessions with Dr. Jean Kanokogi on Best Practices to Pace Yourself for Your Mental Health and Dealing with Vicarious Trauma. Look for the invitation for the FPPOA webinar on Professional Liability Insurance coming soon!


The Federal Court Clerks Association (FCCA) held their 2022 Conference in Washington, D.C. this month. FEDS was happy to continue our sponsorship of FCCA and support this wonderful event.

FEDS also attended the IDRA Rooftop Day event at the Interior Department, and was delighted to interact with and answer questions from our members and other employees at DOI.

FEDS Continues Webinar Series with Focus on SSA Managers

As further outreach, FEDS founder Tony Vergnetti recently hosted a webinar with the National Council of Social Security Management Association (NCSSMA) for NCSSMA’s 53rd Annual Meeting in Spokane, WA, to teach members about their professional vulnerabilities as SSA managers and how a FEDS PLI policy can benefit them. FEDS has a long history of partnership with NCSSMA and relished the opportunity to present information about PLI and FEDS to interested SSA employees. The webinar was highly engaging, with members asking important and relevant questions about their unique exposures as federal employees.

If you are a member of a federal employee association or group of federal employees and would like to have FEDS Protection set up a webinar or give a presentation, visit www.fedsprotection.com or call (866) 955-FEDS M-F 8:30am-6pm for more information.





"As Executive Director of IDRA, I am committed to bringing all Department of the Interior employees the very best products in continuum with IDRA's mission. Because professional liability insurance coverage is so important to the financial well-being of our employees, I have carefully sought out and selected the FEDS product due, in part, to its commitment to serve federal employees and first-hand knowledge about the exposures facing Interior Department employees.
We believe the FEDS professional liability program is superior to all others and have switched our endorsement from another company because of it. We have encouraged all of our members to do the same, as we believe there is no better program or value out there." 


Nadine Wright,

Executive Director, Interior Department Recreation Association (IDRA) 


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