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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

Professional Liability Insurance for
Federal Attorneys  

"I would like to thank FEDS for supporting NAAUSA and for protecting NAAUSA members with its liability insurance. Just about every day, AUSAs are on the front lines of law enforcement/prosecutorial decisions and defending the United States in civil and criminal matters. Liability insurance provides peace of mind if an AUSA is confronted with a civil complaint or an investigation into alleged allegations of professional misconduct. I recommend that all AUSAs protect themselves with professional liability insurance.”

- Dennis W. Boyd, Executive Director, National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys (NAAUSA)


Why are AUSAs reimbursed by the agency for up to 50% the cost of Professional Liability Insurance?

Because AUSAs can be sued personally for prosecutorial decisions. Although most suits against AUSAs are dismissed by motion, there are the occasional suits (particularly post 9/11) that present more unique and complicated facts for which the law of immunity does not apply and DOJ does not provide representation. In these cases, FEDS Protection provides attorneys experienced in representing federal attorneys to defend and provide indemnity protection should there be a judgment of damages.

FEDS Protection is also necessary for AUSAs because allegations of professional misconduct made by opposing counsel or defendants and civil litigants can lead to an OPR investigation. Have you ever been the subject of an OPR investigation? It’s a big deal. Attorneys representing AUSAs in OPR investigations view the personal written response to OPR to be the single most important point in the OPR process, either resolving the matter in your favor, or being the basis for your interview. Read Debra Roth’s letter on OPR Investigations

And because common allegations of wrongdoing against AUSAs, which lead to investigations and sometimes disciplinary proceedings, include, but are not limited to:

  • Alleged Abuse of Investigative Authority,
  • Alleged Abuse of Prosecutorial Authority,
  • Discovery or Other Brady Violations,
  • Misrepresentation to a Court or Other Tribunal,
  • Failure to Disclose a Conflict of Interest,
  • Ethical Allegations,
  • Failure to Follow SOP or Other Supervisory Instructions,
  • Negligent Performance of Duties and Other Professional Misconduct

Are you emotionally, financially and legally prepared to defend yourself if you are the subject of a lawsuit, an OPR investigation, a State Bar or other investigation or disciplinary action? Even if the allegation is baseless, the ordeal can be truly frightening and defending yourself can quickly drain your bank account and take a personal toll on you and your family. 

FEDS Protection can alleviate your worries by providing you with legal services and indemnity protection to defend against allegations arising from your federal position. Note: your policy must be effective prior to an incident resulting in an allegation, claim or suit for coverage to apply.


With FEDS Protection:

You are appointed your own lawyer to defend against work related allegations, claims and lawsuits. The FEDS professional liability policy provides coverage for (1) Administrative and Disciplinary Matters, (2) Personal Capacity Lawsuits and (3) Criminal Investigations that you could be subjected to while performing your job.

1) Administrative and Disciplinary Matters. FEDS Protection pays for legal defense for any administrative investigation or judicial sanction proceeding arising out of any act, error, or omission while rendering a professional service. This applies to any administrative investigation including but not limited to OIG, OPR, OSC, Office of Inspection, Congressional, and agency directed investigations AS WELL AS disciplinary actions. The FEDS policy will also defend you in a state bar investigation and proceeding arising out of the performance of your federal job duties.

(2) Personal Capacity Lawsuits. You Can Be Sued. DOJ Can Deny Representation. You Can be Held Liable for a Judgment. Although most suits against AUSAs are dismissed by motion, there are the occasional suits (particularly post 9/11) that present more unique and complicated facts for which the law of immunity does not apply and DOJ does not provide representation. In these cases, FEDS Protection provides attorneys experienced in representing federal attorneys to defend and provide indemnity protection should there be a judgment of damages.

3) Criminal Investigations. Some of the most common criminal investigations involving federal employees are due to conflict of interest statutes where intent is not a prerequisite to prove the crime, alleged misappropriation of federal funds, or inadvertent release of privacy act or other statutorily protected information. FEDS PLI pays for legal defense for any criminal investigation or proceeding into any act, error, or omission arising out of your rendering of a professional service.


Complete policy information can be found in our FEDS Master Insurance Policy

Why is FEDS Protection recommended over others by the leading federal employee associations? Because the quality of your legal representation matters. Learn more about the attorneys who will be representing you.


Enrollment takes just 5 minutes.

FEDS Protection is Affordable:

$1,000,000 Policy: $280* with discount code NAAUSA

$2,000,000 Policy: $380* with discount code NAAUSA

$3,000,000 Policy: $480* with discount code NAAUSA


* Plus applicable taxes and administrative fees

Your NAAUSA discount code can be applied at the time of payment.

Discount codes are not applicable for payroll deduction orders.



Questions? Call 866-955-FEDS or Contact Us Online

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