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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

FEDS Protection is the Consistent Solution to Your Insurance Needs

In the face of the many changes and challenges within the federal government and throughout the country, our goal at FEDS Protection is to be a resource that provides consistency and peace of mind to the federal community. The journey began with a passion to serve and educate hardworking and dedicated federal employees. That adventure has continued for nearly two decades.

Last month, FEDS Protection President and Founder Tony Vergnetti was quoted in a Federal News Network article about the increasing number of Congressional investigations and how federal employees can protect themselves. Read the full article here.

Our engagement continues. The FEDS Protection team will attend the FMA National Convention in Washington, D.C. In April, stay tuned for the upcoming webinars for the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) and the Federal Executive Institute Alumni Association (FEIAA). Also in April, join Tony Vergnetti and Eric Impraim of FEDS Protection for a discussion and deep dive on professional liability insurance for federal employees on FEDtalk.  They will break down jargon and explain coverages in a way that is easy to understand over water cooler conversation or a work luncheon.

Inclusion in Action

FEDS Protection wants to celebrate those who work together from diverse backgrounds in order to move our country forward. These efforts are not and cannot be made alone. They are completed each day with empathy, energy, and intentionality. While some moments can be awkward, small wins can be awesome.  Regardless, each inclusive action is worth the effort. 

We hope each of you can play a small part in the path toward progress and continue to do so in your own way. We will continue to stand with you in this effort every step of the journey.


"As Executive Director of IDRA, I am committed to bringing all Department of the Interior employees the very best products in continuum with IDRA's mission. Because professional liability insurance coverage is so important to the financial well-being of our employees, I have carefully sought out and selected the FEDS product due, in part, to its commitment to serve federal employees and first-hand knowledge about the exposures facing Interior Department employees. We believe the FEDS professional liability program is superior to all others and have switched our endorsement from another company because of it. We have encouraged all of our members to do the same, as we believe there is no better program or value out there."

-NaDine Wright, Executive Director (IDRA)


The FEDS team hosted two webinars this year titled Protecting Those Who Serve Others: PLI for Federal Medical Professionals and FEDS Protection for Federal Veterinarians: PLI for NAFV members. Due to positive feedback, the links to the webinars have been included below. Please share with a colleague and learn why Professional Liability Insurance is essential for personal and professional peace of mind! It’s so important, the benefit could be partially reimbursed for many federal employees!





FEDS On The Road

  • FAAMA Golf Tournament (Gilbert, AZ)
  • Government Procurement Conference (Washington, D.C.)
  • Defense Leadership Forum: SW Defense Contracting (Tucson, AZ)
  • Professional Women Controllers National Training Conference (San Juan, PR)

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