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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

FEDS Protection Goes on the Road to Help Federal Employees

We have begun the second quarter of 2023! April has arrived with its seasonal weather and there is much in store for the rest of the year. Spring is a season signified by change, growth, and development. At FEDS Protection, we take your trust as the leaders in the federal employee professional liability insurance (PLI) industry seriously. Our team is adapting and taking to the road to meet and greet federal employees across the country. We continually want to hear your personal stories of growth – despite challenging times. 

Last month, the FEDS team visited New Orleans, Louisiana for the 2023 Annual Longshore Conference. We also trekked across the bridge to Arlington, VA to attend the Federal Managers Association’s 85th National Convention. It was great to see many familiar faces and meet so many new leaders within the federal government. 

This month, the adventure continues. The team will be in Arizona to attend the FAA Managers Association Golf Tournament in Chandler and the Defense Leadership Forum in Tucson. We will also be in the nation’s capital for the Government Procurement Conference in Washington D.C., while also supporting the Professional Women Controllers National Training Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. If you are having a conference or are interested in learning more about protecting your agency personnel with professional liability insurance through a webinar or brochures, let us know. You can reach our office by calling (866) 955-FEDS M-F between 8:30am-6pm EST or by emailing

Inclusion in Action

FEDS Protection wants to celebrate those who work together from diverse backgrounds that move our country forward. These efforts are not and cannot be made alone. They are completed each day with empathy, energy, and intentionality. While some moments can be awkward, small wins can be awesome.  Regardless, each inclusive action is worth the effort. 

We hope each of you can play a small part in the path toward progress and continue to do so in your own way. We will continue to stand with you in this effort every step of the journey.


"WIFLE believes that no federal law enforcement officer should be without liability insurance. The FEDS policy gives those in law enforcement the protection they need to do their jobs.” – Margie Moore (Former Executive Director, WIFLE)

Radio & Webinars

The FEDS team hosted the first of a two-part series on Professional Liability Insurance for federal employees on Federal News Network and will present a webinar on PLI to the Environmental Protection Agency in May. Due to positive feedback, the links to the radio show and previous webinar will be included in next month’s edition of the newsletter. Please share with a colleague and learn why Professional Liability Insurance is essential for personal and professional peace of mind! This benefit is so important, it could be partially reimbursed for many federal employees!

FEDS Protection on FEDTalk explaining professional liability insurance in a 2-part series


Webinar: Professional Liability Insurance for EPA Professionals


FEDS On the Road

NCSSMA SF Regional Meeting (Chandler, AZ)


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